Incident Investigation (Root Cause Analysis) and Reporting Course

 Course Overview

Most organizations have Incident investigation procedures. However, these procedures are often based on a blame culture and do not inspire the investigator to find and correct the weaknesses in the management system (root causes) that allowed the hazards to exist and the accident to occur.

Several industries have adopted excellent accident investigation and analysis techniques. It is a basic function of the HSE Management System to locate and define the operational errors that allow accidents to occur. Competence in the application of modern accident/incident investigation tools will assist organizations to learn and to prevent the recurrence of accidents and to evaluate the extent and location of management defects (root-causes), which contributed to the accident event. A good analytical accident investigation is invaluable to achieve continuous improvement in an organization's HSE performance.

Learning Outcomes/Goals

At the end of this intensive five-days course, the delegates should be able to:

  • Explain accidents and explain their relationship to incidents & near misses.
  • Explain accident causation theories.
  • Explain the causes of accidents using accident causation models
  • Interview witnesses
  • Carry out initial actions following an incident on site and collect factual evidence
  • Detail the methods for effective evidence gathering and preservation
  • Compose and Coordinate the Incident Investigation Team, their activities and responsibilities.
  • Conduct Root-Cause Analysis (RCAs) technique to get the root causes of each incident or accident and develop the corrective and preventive measures
  • Prepare the Investigation final report.
  • ompile a corrective action report and presentation.

Who SHould Attend

The course is intended for all staff from supervisors to senior management with roles and responsibilities in the process of Incident Investigation in the workplace. In addition, all HSE professionals or risk professionals need to have a full understanding of the available tools to be competent in accident investigations.

The Results

Proper Accident and near miss investigation can provide a powerful mechanism for improving business performance and prevent similar accidents that could disrupt the organization’s business.

Training methodology

The course is based on a balanced combination of classroom teaching, video presentation and case studies supported by real accidents' reports and video/photo evidence.

Core Competencies

Attendees will gain competencies in the ability to lead an incident investigation team and planning the investigation process. They will be able to collect relevant documents, interview witnesses and prepare the initial investigation report. The unique feature of this course is the ability to select the appropriate incident analysis technique to identify all relevant root-causes. The Team Leader should also be able to communicate the investigation finding through presentation and the final report.

Course Certificate

After attending all the course sessions and completing the case studies, the participants would receive the completion hard copy certificate.

Note: There is an option for getting a certificate from the National Training Services (NTS) in UK, accredited by the City & Guilds Profile of Achievement Award.

Course Content:

Accident Investigation and Analysis

  • Why and who should investigate?
  • The role of the 'Organization' in Incident Causation and effects.
  • Accident Preventative Strategies
  • Development of the 'no blame' culture
  • Human error and accident causation
  • Composing the Investigation Team
  • Witnesses interview techniques

Accident Investigation and Analysis (Fault Tree Analysis) & Reporting

  • Introduction of advanced accident investigation tools (Fault Tree Analysis).
  • Applications for FTA.

Case Studies

  • The use of accident investigation as an Audit tool
  • Case Studies for application of analytical techniques (Group work)
  • Case study Report back
  • Discussion and course review

Accident Investigation and Analysis Other Tools

  • Introduction of other accident investigation tools (FMEA, Fishbone (Ishikawa diagram), etc.).
  • Examples & Case Studies.
  • Course Final Test .