Basic First Aid for Adults and CPR Customized Course

Course Overview:

At work, injuries and illnesses kill about 2.2 million people in the world each year!

Safe practice at work and home can prevent many injuries, illnesses, and deaths. However, once injury or sudden illness has occurred, effective first aid can make the difference between a rapid or prolonged recovery, a temporary or permanent disability, and even life or death.

This Basic First Aid program is a combined adult CPR and first aid training program designed specifically for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely flexible program will help employers to meet local regulations and OSHA requirements for training employees how to respond and care for medical emergencies at work.

Who should attend?

Occupational first aid providers who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers and Emergency Response Team (ERT) members

Course Objectives:

On completion of this course, learners will be; 

  • Able to understand their new responsibilities of an occupational “First Aider”
  • Able to provide appropriate treatment for the purpose of preserving life
  • Able to minimize the consequences of injury until the arrival of medical assistance
  • Able to provide appropriate treatment for an injury which does not require the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse
  • Familiar with health & safety legislation on first aid in the workplace (e.g. Contents of First Aid Box)



Course Material:

The Participants shall receive hard and soft copy for the course material.

Course Duration:

The course duration is customized to be in 2 full days.

Course Contents

The course will cover the following topics:

Module 1 — First Aid Provider

  • Recognizing an Emergency.
  • Deciding to Help.
  • Personal Safety.
  • Scene Safety.
  • Disease Transmission.

Module 2 — Sudden Cardiac Arrest

  • Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
  • Early Defibrillation.
  • Chain of Survival.
  • Chain of Survival for Children.

Module 3 — Basic CPR Skills

  • Chest Compressions.
  • Rescue Breaths .
  • Primary Assessment — Unresponsive Person.
  • Skill Guide 2 — Chest Compressions.
  • Skill Guide 3 — Rescue Breaths — CPR Mask.
  • Skill Guide 4 — Rescue Breaths — CPR Shield.
  • Skill Guide 5 — Primary Assessment — Unresponsive.

Module 4 — Basic Life Support Care

  • Unresponsive and Breathing — Recovery Position.
  • Unresponsive and Not Breathing — CPR .

Module 5 — Foreign Body Airway Obstruction

  • Approach.
  • Children.
  • Skill Guide 12— Adult Choking.
  • Skill Guide 13— Child Choking .
  • Skill Guide 14— Infant Choking.

Module 6 — Soft-Tissue Injuries

  • Control of Bleeding.
  • Internal Bleeding.
  • Managing Shock .
  • Amputation.
  • Impaled Object.
  • Open Chest Injury.
  • Open Abdominal Injury.

Module 7 — Muscle and Bone Injuries

  • Head, Neck, or Back Injury.
  • Brain Injury.
  • Swollen, Painful, Deformed Limb.

Module 8 — Facial Injuries

  • Impaled Object in the Eye.
  • Chemicals in the Eye.
  • Nosebleed.
  • Injured Tooth.

Module 9 — Burns

  • Minor Burns.
  • Critical Burns .
  • Chemical Burns.
  • Electrical Burns.

Module 10 — Sudden Illness

  • Altered Mental Status.
  • Stroke.
  • Diabetic Emergencies.
  • Seizur.
  • Breathing Difficulty, Shortness of Breath.
  • Asthma.
  • Severe Allergic Reaction.
  • Pain, Severe Pressure, or Discomfort in the Chest.
  • Severe Abdominal Pain.
  • Pregnancy Complications.

Module 11 — Poisoning

  • Ingested Poison.
  • Inhaled Poison.

Module 12 — Bites and Stings

  • Snakebites.
  • Pit Vipers.
  • Coral Snakes.
  • Spider Bites.
  • Stinging Insects.
  • Human and Animal Bites.

Module 13 — Environmental Emergencies

  • Heat Emergencies.
  • Heat Exhaustion.
  • Heat Stroke.
  • Cold Emergencies.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Frostbite.